Thursday, February 23, 2012

Green tea Diet Green Tea Weight Loss

The very Green tea diet

  As we all know that,not only Pu-erh tea could loose weight,but also the green tea. The artical is very useful, so I borrow it. lol~~~~~
  The diet on green tea is not only soft enough way of a weight loss, but also possibility to restore health and to strengthen immunity. Female magazines will tell to you about useful properties of this drink, will teach correctly it to make, well and certainly, will tell, as it is possible to grow thin with its help.
  About useful properties of green tea it is known for a long time. It invigorates and tones up better any coffee, the antioxidants containing in leaves, strengthen immunity, support normal work cardiovascular system, slow down organism green tea diet aging. Last researches of scientists have shown that green tea essentially reduces risk of cancer diseases.
  Besides, green tea extremely nourishing product, you will be surprised, but under the maintenance of proteins leaves of green tea can be compared to the bean. In the east of it add in soups, salads, vegetable dishes. It chew in the dried and pressed kind. Probably therefore, inhabitants of east countries are more rare, than Europeans suffer heart diseases, a cancer, keep youth and health longer.
  However, despite all remarkable properties, green tea approaches not to all. If you have diseases of a gastroenteric path, pressure is raised, the sleeplessness before to start to drink green tea torments it is necessary to consult to the doctor necessarily. If you are absolutely healthy, but expect birth of the kid then to you too while it is better refrain from the use of this drink.
The diet on green tea consists, actually, that in day you are offered to drink not less than five cups of a drink. It is necessary to exclude from a diet flour and sweet, and also to refrain from fat food

  Eat more vegetables and fruit, boiled or stewed meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. If very much it will want sweet, you can eat a few honey or dried fruits. Every other day it is possible to add in a diet of porridge from buckwheat or rice groats, lentil, only don't mix them with other squirrels.
  To salt meal it is strictly forbidden.
Also you should remember what to wash down meal tea, water it is impossible. Is better to drink hour through 2-3 after meal if you ate albuminous food, and not less than in 30 minutes after the use of vegetables or fruit.
  Tea needs to be chosen only qualitative, drinking water and brewing tea – only pure. Liquid consumption shouldn't be limited only to tea, therefore drink also simple water so that the total a day was not less than 2 liters
  To starve, sitting on a tea diet, it is not necessary, but if you want to achieve the maximum results, it is better to limit the size of portions.
  The diet is calculated for 2-4 weeks but if you not especially love green tea and to drink it within a month isn't ready, can use a mode of a day of limited intake of food on green tea. For this purpose you need to drink the same 5 cups of green tea in day, compensating other volume of a liquid mineral or pure water. In addition to drink it is possible to eat pair of handfuls of dried apricots or raisin.
Organic green tea, green tea diet, green tea weight loss, weight loss green tea, slimming green tea, dragon well green tea, green tea benefits, weight loss green, tea online.

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